Risbjerg, Hvidovre Weather

Current Conditions As of 06:27


0.9 m/s

Wind from S
Gusts: 1.8 m/s

Sunrise: 05:19:54
Sunset: 20:53:41
Moon Phase: Waning crescent

Current High Low
Temperature 9.7°C 13.3°C 9.3°C
Dewpoint 7.6°C 8.4°C 7.2°C
Humidity 87% 87% 72%
Barometer 1015.9 mbar ↑ 1016.0 mbar 1015.3 mbar
Rain 0.0 mm -- --
Wind 0.9 m/s 2.7 m/s --
Wind Gust -- 4.0 m/s --


Temperature and Dewpoint


Rain Rate

Rain Accumulation

Wind and Gusts